Marijuana will cause you to have bad judgement, impaired reaction time, Impaired coordination and loss of appetite.
it can give you brain damage.
marijuana stays in your body temporarily for a few hours in to you urinate the effect will go a way.....
it depends on the person
smoking what? a cigarette? marijuana?
brain, heart, and lungs
It effects your whole body and most of all your brain.
This can be a harmless side-effect to how your body handles the intake of marijuana in your system. There is nothing really wrong with it.
It has the same effect as marijuana, I think.
No, it actally should help your RLS because it relaxes your body.
Marijuana has no effect on weight gain or loss. Most gain weight because they get hungry when there high
Marijuana, as a depressant, will relax muscles while a person is under the affects of it, but has little to no long term, negative effects (on muscles).
all of it O.o