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Posture while eating would not make someone fat. It depends more on what you are eating.

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Q: Does lying down on your stomach while eating make you fat?
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Related questions

How does not lying down after eating help prevent heartburn?

Not laying down after eating helps to prevent heartburn as it uses gravity to keep acid down. When laying down, it is much easier for acid to escape the stomach and flow out.

Is lying down after eating bulges tummy?

No, not necessarily. But eating a big meal and then lying down could be bad for your health. It might give you heartburn or a stomach (tummy) ache; also, if you always lie down after eating, it could certainly contribute to becoming overweight eventually, because you really should try to burn off some calories after eating a big meal.

Where does the food go after it leaves your mouth?

While eating, food goes down your esophagus into your stomach, while air goes down your trachea and into your lungs.

Do pandas eat while sitting standing or lying down?

well I've seen baby giant pandas eating lying down and the giant pandas sometimes stand or sit

How can I perform a stomach vacuum exercise while lying down?

To perform a stomach vacuum exercise while lying down, start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Inhale deeply, then exhale completely and pull your belly button in towards your spine, as if trying to touch your navel to your backbone. Hold this position for a few seconds while continuing to breathe normally. Release and repeat for several reps. This exercise helps strengthen your deep core muscles.

How do you get rid of dizziness and a stomach each?

try lying down, relaxing and then going to sleep :)

What causes an extremely low body metabolism?

eating and then lying down and sleeping.

Which of the following strategies should be used by someone experiencing heartburn?

a. Drink liquids an hour before of after mealsb. Eat smaller mealsc. Lie down after eatingd. a and bLetter "D" is the answer because heartburn occurs when the acidic juice in your stomach backups into the esophagus. While your stomach is coated with a thick mucus to prevent the stomach from being damaged by the acid, your esophagus is not.Letter "C" is NOT the answer because by lying down after eating, it may allow the acid in your stomach to escape up the esophagus. The sphincter separating the esophagus from the stomach is much looser than other sphincters in the body.

The Prone position refers to face down?

Prone means lying on your chest and stomach; therefore, your front side is down.

How can I prevent empty stomach acid reflux?

To prevent empty stomach acid reflux, try eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, avoiding trigger foods like spicy or acidic foods, and not lying down immediately after eating. Additionally, staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of acid reflux.

When you are lying down and you are breathing and your stomach goes up and down and when you are standing up your stomach isin't going up and down why is that?

Because it isn't placed in a position where it can go up and down, it is placed in a position where it goes forward and back.

What top occupation treats it clients while they are lying down?
