No, not necessarily. But eating a big meal and then lying down could be bad for your health. It might give you heartburn or a stomach (tummy) ache; also, if you always lie down after eating, it could certainly contribute to becoming overweight eventually, because you really should try to burn off some calories after eating a big meal.
eating and then lying down and sleeping.
Posture while eating would not make someone fat. It depends more on what you are eating.
well I've seen baby giant pandas eating lying down and the giant pandas sometimes stand or sit
Not laying down after eating helps to prevent heartburn as it uses gravity to keep acid down. When laying down, it is much easier for acid to escape the stomach and flow out.
I'd recommend lying down on a comfortable surface, preferably a bed. Drink some water though not too much else you'll feel bloated.
Answer Many ways, some main ones are by eating too fast. You put more food into your stomach then is needed, this causes your stomach to have to work extra hard to digest it down. This causes a tummy ache. However most tummy aches are actually pain in the intestines. This is caused by a large amount of food trying to be digested. Another main cause is when you eat food your body does not agree to.
Lying down.
Heartburn associated with gastroesophageal reflux occurs 30-60 minutes after eating. It also occurs when a person is lying down.
Starch is in the food like rice and bread. So, eating rice and bread means eating starch. When you eat rice or bread, they go to your tummy so starch also goes to your tummy.
"Lying down" in French is spelled as "allongé".
He takes 2 Tylenol or 2 Advil and lays down with a pillow under his tummy or a bag of hot water on his tummy. He gives himself a tummy rub.
Prone means lying horizontal with the face down. Pronation is the action of lying prone.