He loves her as a sister and a comrade. However, it's been proved that he has a soft spot for her, growing up together as a childhood friends.
In most of manga, in my opinion, that when you have somebody that is able to be paired up as a childhood friends chances are likely that you will end up together with that person. However, in D Gray Man I personally don't see any chances of Kanda and Lenalee ending up together.. when there is Lavi and Allen to verse.
Yes, Kanda from D.Gray-man has shown deep care and respect for Lenalee throughout the series, stemming from their shared history and experiences as exorcists in the Black Order. While their relationship can be complex at times, Kanda's actions often demonstrate his concern for Lenalee's well-being.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not really Obviously an opinion. There's no right answer.
i love kanda yuu! he has such a hawt body..... but whether you like him or not is your decision.....
It doesn't really seem so they always look dead in the eye and always pick fights I guess Allen doesn't like kanda and Kanda doesn't like Allen They are both like arch enemy
Allen thinks of Lenalee as his older sister so it would be awkward for her to love him.
Ramayana consists of 7 parts or books. 1 Bala Kanda 2 Ayodhya Kanda 3 Aranya Kanda 4 Kishkindha Kanda 5 Sundara Kanda 6 Yuddha Kanda 7 Uttara Kanda
There maybe a chance that she dose like Allen ,but I won't know for sure until they finish the manga
Kanda's full name is Yu Kanda.
seven kanda
Kanda Nissho died in 1970.
Yuu Kanda is a male.
Apparently Allen and lenalee did not kiss in the Anime. Road kissed Allen probably around 85-90. They do , however hug around ep. 60/61 in a flashback. Lenalee was fighting Eshi and remembered a conversation with Allen.