Honey, sore nipples can be a sign of pregnancy, but they can also be caused by a bunch of other things like hormonal changes, PMS, or even just a bad bra. If you're concerned, take a pregnancy test and maybe see a doctor to rule out any other issues. But hey, sore boobs don't always equal a bun in the oven, so don't jump to conclusions just yet.
no it hurts. just clearing a few things up some girls like having their nipples nibbled because they like stimulation of the pain inflicted to their nipples by the guy or girl who is nibbling the nipple while others would perfer you nibble around the nipple and not the actual tip of the nipple. by around we mean the outer area of the nipple and or other parts of the breasts. Other would prefer if you left them alone and only touched them with your hands.
Yes nipple sensitivity and hurting is common during a pregnancy due to the influx of hormones
You're going through puberty.Dont worry it's normal for this to happen.I've had that happen to me.
No you have to have sex to get pregnant.
Pregnant. Pregnant.
your breast may be developing. if it is very painful, possibly something else. then see a doctor.
It could just be cramps. I have looked up this question many times and never have anyone said it hurts to suck in their stomach while pregnant.
If you've been spotting it really means you're pregnant.
That you decided to get a nipple piercing.
A long breast with no nipple.
yes. when a girl's nipple is pointy it means she's horny or she's COLD! but most of the time when youre alone with your girlfriend, and if its pointy it means she wants SEX! OMG it does!!!