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Q: Does it mean you are pregnant if you spot light pink blood?
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Could I be pregnant I have been having my periods but on this last one i have light pink blood when i wip and spotting what does this mean?

Yes, you might be pregnant - take a test

What does it mean when your spotting light pink blood?


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what mean when you have light pink blood then few hours latter you have brown discharge

If you got a positive on a home pregnancy test then a week later spot light pink blood then bleed medium flow red blood for 3 days then back to light pink spotting could you still be pregnant?

Hello. Yes you could still be pregnant but because of the amount of bleeding you had, you really need to see your doctor for a blood test to see if you are still pregnant. ANSWER GO and see a doctor you might be having periods while pregnant

How do you tell from your period if your pregnant?

you miss youre period if your pregnant.

Does short period light pink that last one day and a half with symptoms of pregnancy mean you are pregnant?

yes most likely you are pregnate but you could just have a blood clot in your vigina that hasn't passed and will in time

What does it mean when you light red blood after period?

after you period you can get either light pink or a browny colour discharge .... this is natural it is just a way of your vagina cleaning the blood out to keep it healthy

If you get pink blood on the last day of your periods does it mean you pregnant even tho you on the pill?

no it doesn't. take a pregnancy test to be sure.

What can cause a brownish pink discharge about 14 days after your period?

Light pink discharge is common if you are pregnant.

What does it mean to bleed light pink blood when your period is on?

It just means that you are either about to get off or you a dehidrated, So no need to worry.

Could I be pregnant I had light pink spotting for 4 days and then it stopped...2 days later it started up again but it's very very light pink like almost nothing What can it be?


What does brownish pink spotting 5 days after a late light period mean?

It means that you might be pregnant. Take a test