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They mostly have the REAL ones..
But they have fake 1's too. My friends always have hot topic crap.

They have cross bones,neon crap.

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Q: Does hot topic have fake lip rings?
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Fake lip rings?

You can buy toe rings and use them , they look real to . (:

How can you prove fake lip rings are real?

You just said they were fake. You can't prove a lie.

How do you make it look like i have lip rings in a picture and if needing photoshop step by step instructions or maybe someone can do it for me?

just get fake ones that go over yewr lip because i have some fake ones and they look real

Are lip rings safe?

Yes lip pierceings are safe

What stores are like hot topic?

if you're looking for clothing i suggest wet seal or if you're more goth or emo then spencer's or a grownup store that sells nose and lip rings .

What if your lip piercing is healed but lip rings that scrab them and they hurt?

Get a new ring, or if it's just that rings are uncomfortable for you, get a stud.

What are lip rings?

A lip ring is a piece of jewelry that goes in a lip piercing. It's usually a hoop.

What job can you get if you are 16 and have a lip ring?

Very few. Hot Topic if you can get the job you can take out your ring for a few hours after you've had it for about 8 months

Does Austin lip talks on the show?

No he doesn't lip sing or talk fake its all normal

Is it possible to get rubber or plastic snake bite lip rings?

You can find bioplast lip rings online if you look around. Bioplast is a really flexible, soft plastic

What makes guys like to kiss girls with lip gloss?

They want to. Tongue rings can improve oral sex but that isn't the only reason people get tongue piercings.

How do you prevent HIV from lip rings?

Get the piercing done professionally.