That is urban legend, you are looking too far for meanings that just are not there.
You are an African Lesbian.
No Gays and lesbians have never used piercing to dictate there orientation. That's just urban legend.
Why should it mean anything? Exotic piercings don't mean anything other than the individual getting the piercing wants to add something more to there sexuality and love life.
There used to be a standard that guys with their right ears pierced were gay and their left ears pierced were straight. It doesn't have to mean anything. And that is really outdated.
Lots of people would say that if you have your left cartilage pierced, that you are a lesbian. However, there are no "rules" for piercings for girls as there are for guys; to answer your question directly: it has no meaning.
i think it means u really want to get your nose pierced
Yes any tattoo on your left arm is a sign you are gay, most defiantly if you also have your right ear pierced
It Means She Only Had Her Left Ear Pierced Because She Was A Wimp And Was Too Scared To Get The Right One. =] *********** Actually that might not be true. I am thinking of only getting one ear pierced and it's not cause i'm a wimp
If a guy gets his right ear pierced it means he is somewhat gay. If both ears happen to be pierced then he is also gay. So be sure when a guy gets his ear pierced that he gets his left pierced.
For some stupid reason if you have anything pierced on your left side it means your either a lesbian or for guys it means your gay see i was made fun of for about a week after i got the top of my left ear pierced but after that all of my friends got the top of their left ear pierced to take up for me so it became fashionable in my school to get your left anything pierced.
if you get your left ear pierced its alright, if u get them both, not gay but not cool, if u get your right ear pierced it means your gay === === It doesn't mean anything, I have a lot of tattooist friends that would be choked to hear they were not cool for having both ears pierced. That whole left right thing when out the window in the late seventies. Unless you have the guts to ask, don't put anything into the right left bit. Trust me just don't worry about it.
Chely is a girl right? So does that mean shes lesbian?