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It Means She Only Had Her Left Ear Pierced Because She Was A Wimp And Was Too Scared To Get The Right One. =]


Actually that might not be true. I am thinking of only getting one ear pierced and it's not cause i'm a wimp

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Q: What does it mean If a girl has only the left ear pierced?
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What does it mean if a girl only gets her left cartilage pierced?

You people always looking for deeper meaning with piercings, it means she didn't want to have the other ear cartilage done for what ever her reason could be, balance, earring choice, only she knows.

Do you have to get your American girl's ears pierced to put in earrings?

no,you only put earrings in your American girl dolls ears is if it comes with pierced ears.

Which ear should a girl get her cartilage pierced in?

Right if your a lesbian, left if your straight. On the contrary. It doesn't matter which side you get your cartilage pierced on. In today's society the left is right right is wrong saying is only used for guys, it holds no meaning to women. Go with whatever feels the most comfortable! so...IT DOESN'T MATTER! :)

What does it mean if a man has both ears pierced?

It means nothing but if he only get his right ear peirced hes gay but if he only gets his left peirced means he not gay but if you get both it means nothing

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The bible does not mention the side Jesus was pierced on, but he was surely pierced to find out if he was dead.(John 19:34)More information:The Left...the spear penetrated the pericardium...the blood and water is by appearance only it is in the pericardium where the serum (water) is first separated from the platelets (blood) after a body is dead

What does this means when you have 3 earring pierced only on the left side of the ear only for girls?

It means you have good taste! - To me its just how you want it. I have 3 in one ear and two in the other.

Are there any Traditonal tattoos for a sailor that has crossed then Antarctic Circle?

To the best of my knowledge the only traditional thing a sailor does upon passing over the Antarctic Circle is get their left ear pierced. They will get it pierced for crossing the equator and arctic circle also.

If a guy tells a girl if he can sit by him does that mean the girl has a crush on the guy?

no, it doesn't mean that the girl has a crush on the guy, the are different kinds of possibilty: 1. only one seat left(the seat is next to the boy) 2. the boy and girl might don't know each other( the place might be public places like cinema) 3. the girl and boys know each other and other people wanted to make them as a pair so they sat until there is only one seat left where it is next to the boy.

Does a right lobe piercing make you gay?

Yes, if you get your right ear pierced, within 30-45 seconds , it is likely you will start to feel some kind of attraction towards the males in the vicinity of you. In order to avoid gay tendencies, it is best to only have your left ear lobe pierced. The above answer is wrong: In this day and age, it no longer matters which ear you get pierced, I have plenty of client who have both ears pierced. So the old left side right side line is long gone.

Does Miley Cyrus have a tongue pierce?

Yes. She has 10 piercings. -On the left ear: she has 3 lobe piercings, & 2 cartilage piercing. -On the right ear: lobe piercings on the right ear & 1 cartilage piercing. -Belly piercing. -Nose pierced, on the right side.

Do you get a scar after your belly button is pierced for 5 years?

Yes but it would only be the size of the pierced hole.

What does it mean if a guy has a earring in his left ear only?

It's a probability that it is an old school piercing, left ear in males indicated they were not gay. However that's not the case any more because more and more males are getting both ears pierced and that whole gay not gay thing went out the door in the late 70's. That's also the same ear that sailors would get pierced once they achieved the status of ,"able bodied seaman".