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If you're overeating you will gain weight regardless of when you eat. And if you have a balanced diet you can eat pretty much at any time w/o gaining weight.

There is a small change in metabolic rate between night and day, but the slightly higher rate during day isn't going to help you if you're not within your calorie budget.

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Q: Does eating before going to sleep make you gain weight?
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Does eating before sleep gain weight?

Not exactly. But it can, since a person is going to sleep, lead to some digestion probelsm which result in bloating. A good rule of thumb to follow is to not eat 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.

Should you drink before going to toilet before eating food before going to bed etc.?

You should drink water about 5 - 10 minutes before eating. That way you will be less hungry and eat less food. Which will help you lose some weight if you are trying to. Do not drink any water especially cold water during your meal as this will solidify your food when eating and it will become difficult to digest your food. Second of all, you should drink a glass of water just before going to sleep. I'm not quite sure what it does but it helps relax your body. Just drink water 5 - 10 minutes before eating. And when you sleep.

What is a good way to gain weight?

A healthy way to gain weight is to eat every 4 hours. Other good options are drinking high calorie shakes that are also high in protein, and eating immediately before going to sleep.

Does eating sugar before bed contribute to weight gain?

Eating sugar before bed can contribute to weight gain because the body is less active during sleep, so the excess sugar is more likely to be stored as fat.

Is there any way i can make sure i don't have a freaky nightmare?

Not really but not eating for 2 hours before going to bed/sleep will help...

How long should you wait before going to sleep after eating in order to become fat?

Well, maybe a half hour. But what really matters is eating lots of foods such as nuts and cheese.

What are the side effects of eating right before you go to bed?

Eating right before bed can disrupt your sleep by causing indigestion or heartburn. It can also lead to weight gain, as your body may not have enough time to burn off the calories consumed before sleep. Additionally, late-night eating may affect your body's natural digestion rhythms and hormone levels.

Do you have nightmares if you eat icecream before bed?

Yes. Myself and my wife have nightmares, following eating dairy products before going to sleep, specifically, ice cream and/ or milk.

Does a person who eats a lot gain more weight during the day or on a night where you get 6 hours sleep or less and are stressed vulnerable sensitive etc?

Very clear question there :-) Eating a lot depends on what you are eating , but as a rule you metabolism slows down during rest so you body wont process the food as well at night which is why you should not eat before going to sleep, stress equates normally to weight loss as your metabolism speeds up unless you comfort eat cakes and the like. If you eat lots of junk you are going to put weight on wether it be day or night

Does sleeping on a full stomach make you sleep longer?

I believe that eating before going to bed tends to keep you awake rather than sleeping longer.

Can eating late make you gain weight?

No eating late doesn't matter what matters is duration between sleep and meal if you sleep as soon as you have dinner your body can't digest it properly so you will gain weight. If you want to loose weight quickly go check my profile may be it can help you out!

If you dreamed about someone does that mean he or she thought about you before going to sleep?

It could be that or probably that is what your conscience was thinking about before going to sleep, which made you dream of him/her.