yes it does, roughly in a week you will notice a difference as it tones your arms legs and stomach
It wont help lose weight but i could strengthen your arms =D
yes it does !
3500=1 pound
Depends on how much u way 10 or 25 u lose two or three
There is no 'fast' way to lose that much weight. It wasn't gained fast, it won't go away fast. You are talking about a year to safely lose that much weight without causing major health problems. Sensible diet and exercise will help a great deal.
If you want to find out to lose weight fast check out the link in my bio( you donโt want to miss out on the secrets)
dose dinintal help you to lose the weight
1 eat apple pie or cheese 2 get fat 3 lose all your waight 4 done
it is phsically immposiable to lose weight that fast yhen well if you do lose weight that fast go see a doctor but you can flush out your body to help lose weight with olive oil you haveto drink it this makes the food come right out by a number 2.
Eating healthy and exercising is one of the best ways to lose weight. However, if you are looking to lose weight fast then I would recommend getting a weight loss pill that will help you lose weight quickly if they are not abused.