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Some methods of Birth Control increase vaginal discharge, and others decrease discharge. Contact your health care provider or pharmacist for information specific to your situation.

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Q: Does birth control increase vaginal discharge?
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Can birth control pills cause a change in the color and smell of vaginal discharge?


Can the birth control pill cause a yellow discharge without odor?

The birth control pill can change vaginal discharge, but a yellow discharge is a possible sign of infection. See your health care provider as soon as possible.

Can the birth control pill cause vaginal discharge?

Some women will experience an increase in normal, healthy discharge (leukorrhrea) in response to the hormones in the birth control pill. A few women will experience an increased incidence of yeast infections on the birth control pill. In either case, changing to a pill with a different mix of hormones can be helpful. If this symptom is troublesome to you, contact your health care provider. But if you have any pain, bleeding, odor, itching, irritation, or rash associated with the discharge, see your health care provider soon for testing for infection.

A decrease in vaginal discharge a problem?

A decrease in vaginal discharge can be a problem if it's leaving you dry or if you can't become lubricated enough during sex, it can also sometimes be a symptom of a yeast infection although most commonly it's a result of using hormonal birth control. It is normal to see fluctuations in your vaginal discharge, but if you're concerned about this see your doctor.

What is the name of the birth control ring?

The brand name of the vaginal ring for birth control is NuvaRing.

Should you stop taking the birth control pills when you got your period already?

No, you should always take your birth control pills as scheduled regardless of bleeding. Contact your health care provider if you have pain or unusual vaginal discharge along with the unscheduled bleeding.

Does metronidazole vaginal cream affect the birth control pill?

There are no known drug interactions between metronidazole vaginal cream and the birth control pill. However, you should not rely on condoms while using metronidazole vaginal cream.

Which method of birth control causes pelvic inflammation?

If a woman has a reaction to spermicide, she could experience vaginal inflammation, but there are no method that increase the risk of pelvic inflammation.

What meds cause vaginal discharge?

There are a variety of medications that can cause women to get a yeast infection and in turn cause some discharge. Birth control pills can cause women to get yeast infections because they create a change in hormone levels. Antibiotics are also known to cause yeast infections. If you have abnormal vaginal discharge you should seek medical attention to rule out any other issues. best of luck.

Can you get pregnant if you don't take the birth control for a month?

Yes you can get pregnant if you have vaginal sex and have not taken birth control for 1 month.

Since i gave birth i have had a constant milky like discharge i have smelt a foul odor from it once for like 2 weeks then disappeared my son is 10 months what could it be? The above link has a variety of scenarios that fit your question. Hope this helps.

Can the birth control pill cause brown or black discharge?

Yes, the birth control pill can cause brown or black discharge. Any amount of brown, black, or red discharge is considered a "period" or withdrawal bleed when you're on the pill.