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  • Women that have affairs with married men are selfish and inconsiderate. The risk coming between the man and his wife and any possible children. There has always been a silent code for generations that a woman or man should not take someone else's mate and that includes girlfriend/boyfriend. However, this code of ethics in the human race is fast fading and high morals seem to be a thing of the past. Married men are searching for something and the top priority is sex; some men want to recapture their youth and other men are bored in their marriage and are ego maniacal enough to enjoy the attraction from another woman. It is not a good idea to get mixed up with a boss or a coworker because most of the affairs or relationships can well break up and in your case the risk is even higher. This makes it very uncomfortable for both parties to have to see each other in the workplace and may well cause problems in their work performance. So to your answer, no, affairs with married men at work seldom work out. With all the young single men you should be mature enough to know you are being used by this married man and should end the relationship and start dating single men.
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14y ago
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9y ago

it would take really cruel person to have an affair with a married man so no it wouldn't work out

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Q: Does an affair with a married man at your work work out?
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If a woman is having an affair with a married man, and by doing so is endangering the stability of that man's family, she can be described as a home wrecker.

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yes a man can have an affair but one can not be married.he can marrie after divorce of present wife.

What case if a woman having an affair to a married man?

Its called adultery it's in the ten commandments it says you should not have an affair with a married person even if your married or not

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If you think its right do it!

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Yes, she can get a divorce.

What is considered having an affair?

An affair is when a man and woman have sex. If you have an affair it means you want a baby. An affair is the best thing in the world so when you are married have an affair straight away.

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Unless they are good friends, I think she is trying to start affair.

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