Steroid affect every system in the body. For instance, they affect the immune system by decreasing inflammation, the reproductive system by changing the balance of hormones, and the stomach by affecting its lining.
Alcohol has no affect on metabolism; metabolism breaks alcohol down in the body.
Alcohol can affect a few things. Alcohol can affect the mind, body and thinking.
Alcohol affects every cell in the body.
The tongue.
No, but your metabolic rate will. What body weight does is affect the amount of alcohol you need to drink to get drunk--which is one of the reasons you don't go shot-for-shot with someone twice as big as you.
Because alcohol travels wherever the blood does.
If you have enough alcohol (it doesn't take much) it will affect your brain. Each person has a different amount of alcohol that will bring you to the level that will induce all these symptoms. This is called DUI if you are driving, DRUNKENESS or ALCOHOL TOXICITY. Also affects LIVER, heart rate, muscles so that erectile disfunction can occur, inability to stand or walk in a straight line, slurred speach, fuzzy thinking, difficulty in making decisions, loss of inhibitions. There is another level of alcohol toxicity where that much will cause you to pass out even while you are driving. Many people will vomit. If they vomit while they are unconscious it is possible to choke to death as did Tommy Dorsey.The last level is enough to cause you to stop breathing and that causes DEATH. If you are able to sleep off a drunken stupor you are probably going to wake up with a hangover which consists of a severe throbbing headache. Let me know when you intend to drive after drinking. I want to get off the road.Alcohol addiction is very common. It destroys families. Very difficult to overcome but not impossible.Good Luck.
alcohol affects every organ in your body; that's if you have too much.
alcohol effects your immune system and your liver.
Generally, there is some affect within the hour.