No, he can just rub
them he does not need to see them unless you want him to or he wants to
No, physical touch should always involve mutual consent and respect for boundaries. A guy can feel someone up without needing to see their boobs by using their hands to explore the person's body respectfully and with permission. Communication is key in ensuring that both parties are comfortable and consenting.
because, guys are turned on by boobs. We just love the way they look the way they feel the way they jiggle. Breasts are amazing period. I'm a girl saying this and what the guy before me said is just wrong! Boys are such PIGS when it comes to girls butts or boobs! Althought boys are cute,i HATE them sometimes! Preach it sista!! I have no idea why guys are soo obsessed with boobs and buts its so wierd!! They arent that fascinating---honestly!! im a boy saying this.....cause it feels soft and nice the boobs and touching the butt also feels nice and also the va***a and squeezing the nibble and u r rong girl boys are turned on when they are big and round
Views on this topic vary greatly among individuals. Some girls may feel aroused, curious, surprised, uncomfortable, or indifferent when seeing a guy's penis, depending on the context and their personal feelings and experiences. It's crucial to respect each person's boundaries and communicate openly and respectfully when it comes to intimate situations.
You can feel emotions, such as love, happiness, and sadness, but you cannot see them. Emotions are abstract and internal experiences that are expressed through physical and psychological sensations.
Two things you can feel but not see are emotions and air. Emotions like love or fear are internal experiences that are felt but not visible. Air is all around us, but we can only feel its presence, not see it.
The texture you can see and feel is called tactile texture. It refers to the physical feel and appearance of a surface, allowing both visual and tactile sensory experiences.
SEX it will feel like a miracle when you get to see boobs and put your dick inside of her.
You tell when you need a bra when your boobs hurt when you jump or run, and you don't really need a padded bra until your boobs get bigger. Or when you can see your boobs through your shirt.
you should go find the cutest bikini you can find that make your boobs look big and run and get wet near where that guy is at and maybe even take off your bikini so he can see your boobs
when you can see your boobs through your shirts and when your boobs hurt wh en you jump or run.
Only do it if you are comfortable with it cause as a 16 yo guy i know he is comfortable to see them.
If your best guy friend has a crush on you and you don't know how you feel, then you need to find out! Maybe go somewhere just you two like the movies or get something to eat. As you spend more time with him you will begin to see more clearly how you feel about him.
He either likes the feel of them or wanted to see what they feel like.
I really don't think so!ask him
Maybe bc he is running circles around you.
When a guy likes a girl he will glance at her in class. He will also get really nervous around her. If he is like 14 or above he will most likely stare at her boobs. If the girls see him glancing he will quickly look away or blush.
When they feel like there boobs are big enough and dont want people to see and watch them bounce. Usually around 5th grade