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He usually does like you if that happens, or he just thinks you're pretty.

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Q: Does a guy like you if he stares at you then looks away quickly?
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What if a guy stares at you then looks away quickly when you look in his direction does he like you?


Why does your crush look at you every now and again?

Depends, she thinks you're weird.. or she likes you back. She if she quickly looks away or stares at you. Maybe he likes you back or something like that!!

How do you show you like a girl without everyone knowing?

Stare at he until she stares at you and then quickly look away.

Whenever I stare at this girl she looks down but when I look away she always stares at me does she like me?

When a girl turns when your looking at her but stares when your not looking means she does like you. The girl is just a little shy.

What do you do when your not sure if you like this boy or not?

This always work 1st you stare at the perfect guy if he stares back he likes you if he looks down quickly and smiles that means that he likes you but don't want to show you if he just looks away that mean that he doesn't like you and if he look around the room he likes you finally if he looks at you and start laughing that means that he likes you as a friend.

What does it mean when a woman stares at you for like 5 seconds and then looks away and raises and then lowers her eyebrow really fast?

she thinks your weird

A guy is indifferent towards you one minute and friendly the next -he teases u- he stares at you when you catch him he quickly looks away-he does favors for you- he calls you randomly-does he like u?

YEAH! go girl when a boy is mean to you and then nice he totally likes you

How do you know a 10 year old like you?

if he looks at you and blushes then looks away quickly when you catch him a that's sign

What's it mean when a guy stares at you a lot n when you talk to him he is fidgity and he looks away even when you catch him staring or he drops his head and looks away to?

of course it means that he likes you. and if you like him too say it girl, speak out.

Does a boy like you if he always stares at you?

Well. sometimes it can happen if he stares at you , and you look at him when he stares he might look away because he can be shy

If you catch a guy staring at you in class and when you look at him he quickly looks away what does it mean?

He might like you.

What does it mean if a guy stares at you and you look back and he looks away?

It probably means that he like you. Have you tried talking to him? Is he a friend? Evaluate your situation and see what is the most logical answer.