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yes it does it also helps alot of other things so smoke it up

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Q: Does THC help rls
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Related questions

Does marijuana effect RLS?

No, it actally should help your RLS because it relaxes your body.

Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

Will pomagranate grean tea help get rid of THC in your body?

No. Time gets rid of THC.

How do you cure RLS?

RLS can be cure using a product called RLS-H. It is manufacture and distributed by a Canadian company. You can purchase it from this website.

Do gym supplements help clean out THC?

Yes, because they fasten users metabolism and also help fat burn where THC stores in body.

Treasure Island author's monogram?

It's RLS

What is the medical patch that treats RLS?

The medical patch used to treat RLS is known as Rotigotine.

Will NyQuil make your rls worse since it has no diphenhydramine?

I have rls and I take NyQuil alot and it does not worsen it at all...

Are there vitamins that will flush THC out of your system?

There are no vitamins that can directly flush THC out of your system. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help to dilute the concentration of THC in your urine, but the most effective way to eliminate THC is to abstain from using it.

Would THC help fight cancer?

THC doesn't fight cancer, it relieves the symptoms of nausea etc. from treatments such as Chemotherapy.

What does RLS stand for in treasure planet?

The creators of Treasure Planet named the RLS Legacy after the author of Treasure Island. The enitals RLS stand for Robert Louis Stevenson, the author of Treasure Island. They stated that they named it the RLS Legacy because it was his [Robert Louis Stevenson]'s legacy.

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