Yes im not sure every time he does but in Shugo chara party episode 10 he calls her for the first time. Teases her then hangs up. Apparently he calls her again in party but im not sure
yes but ikuto kisses amu on the cheek <3
ikuto never kiss amu on the lips
ikuto meets amu in the first or second episode on a building site
Shugo charaSHUGO CHARA AND IT RULES AMU AND IKUTO SHALL ALWAYS BE THE BEST COUPLE IN SHUGO CHARAAmuto is the couple of amu and ikuto which together is amu/toamu is for amuto is for ikuTO
yes she does and ikuto cares about her also
Ikuto loves amu in the anime and does amu love him back? watch and find out! the anime is beautiful!!
there is no chapters of ikuto and amu getting married but maybe they might make it in the futer
no, but later and later ikuto gets more into amu and in the last episode in shugo chara ikuto kisses her on the cheek
yep when ikuto gotten beat up by these strange guys and he was hiding in the ally and amu sees ikuto there and she heals him and then ikuto say i trick and then he was going to take amu home but he took amu in a carnival and they both ride on rides so yeah there's your answer AMUTO 4 EVER!!
Amu likes ikuto more, because when shes with ikuto she doesnt freak out like she does when tadase turns into his king form, some people might disagree with me but i think ikuto and amu make a really cute couple <3
no she doesnt she just gets mad when ikuto makes fun of her