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If you believe in a just God, you would have to believe that God accepts everyone, and does not punish people simply for existing and trying to find love.

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If you believe in a just God, you would have to believe that God accepts everyone, and does not punish people simply for existing and/or trying to find love.

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Q: Does God accept gay people
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Does Assembly Church of God accept the gay community?

No. While they claim to accept everyone, they won't tolerate gay people who are sexually active and/or gay people in relationships.

Why do gay people think God should accept them?

It would depend on your religion and view of God. Many people believe that God does not make mistakes, so if he made gay people, and loves his creations so he would accept them.

Can you accept God in your life if he does not accept gay people?

A:You can not pick and choose like this. If there really is a God, then he is in your life, whether you like it or not. If there is no God, then no amount of belief will make it happen. So your real decision is to decide whether, for you, there even is a God.God has not told us that he does not accept gays. Perhaps it is only his spokespeople who can not accept them.

What does God do with gay and lesbian people?

God does the same thing with gay and lesbian people that He does with straight people.

Does the ECLA accept gay people?

Yes they do.

Why did God discriminate against gay people?

God doesn't discriminate against Gay people, but a lot of God's followers do.

Is it ok to go to church and be a gay or a lesbian?

In my opinion, it is. God accepts all people, no matter what other people think.

Is god mad at gay people?

No. There is no logic in thinking that God created gay people and then became mad at them for being what God created.

Who is the god of gay people?

gay people practice all different kinds of religion. Gay people can be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Unitarians, Buddhists, etc. There is no god of gay people.

How come Stonewall advertiseing for gay Some people are gay get over it but forgetting some people do not accept gay people get over it?

Yes. Also 7.

What does it mean if a gay person says a gay person is a gay person get over it but someone else say some people do not accept gay people get over it?

Generally speaking, "Get over it" means "It's not worth worrying about. Get on with your life." In this case, it means that the fact that someone's gay is no more important than the fact that, for example, they have blond hair. And "some people do not accept gay people" means that the folks who don't accept gay people probably never will, but there are fewer and fewer of them all the time, so they're not worth worrying about.

Did God create gay people?

This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.