Brandy does not contain gluten.
No, brandy is distilled from grapes.
Rum doesn't contain sodium chloride.
Resveratrol is a red pigment found in the skins of red and purple grapes, but not green grapes. Red wines have resveratrol, rose wines have some, but not much, and white wines have no resveratrol. The deeper the red, the more resveratrol the wine has. Syrrahs, Merlots, and Zinfandels have high resveratrol levels.
Most resveratrol sold in Israel is of low purity (50%), such as Solgar. Resveratrol 50% contains lower amount of trans-resveratrol, compared to Mega-Resveratrol brand, which is a 99% pure trans-resveratrol product. Trans-resveratrol is the beneficial substance in resveratrol.
Resveratrol is a very good product for inside and outside of the body and if the products also contain natural ingredients, then it is a very good buy and may work.
No. There is no sugar in brandy, nor does it contain any sodium, carbs, or fats of any kind.
I know of no studies or discussions involving resveratrol and menstruation. I'd say review your nutritional history. The following foods contain resveratrol: blueberries, cranberries, bilberries, grapes, peanuts, red wine and Japanese knotweed. If any of these have interfered with your cycle before, then resveratrol could be a concern. If not - then it likely won't. Resveratrol is a nutrient just like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Lutein, Magnesium and Calcium are. Oooh - one last thing proanthocyanidins and resveratrol are natural blood thinners. So if you're taking a blood thinner and using resveratrol - you may be getting too much blood thinning.
Yes. Brandy is a distilled spirit made from grapes and is often around 40% alcohol.
Yes resveratrol skincare helps a lot. Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant compound found in high amounts amongst the skins of grapes and in red wine.