

Best Answer

1. Fatigue is considered an impairment.
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Other impairments

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Emotional distress
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • And a plain old bad attitude!
2. The No-Fault Law requires minimum insurance coverage of:
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. $10,000 Personal Injury Protection and $10,000 Property Damage LiabilityCorrect!Explanation: The Florida No-Fault Law requires anyone who owns or has registered a motor vehicle with four or more wheels (excluding taxis and limousines), that has been in the state for at least 90 days or non-consecutive days during the past 365 days to purchase a policy.3. The maximum speed limit in a business or residential district in Florida, unless otherwise posted, is 30 m.p.h.
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: In business or residential districts, the limit is 30 mph unless otherwise posted.4. Warning signs are usually _____-shaped.
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. DiamondCorrect!Explanation: Did you know that shapes of signs are also indicative of what is ahead? A school zone is in the shape of a schoolhouse. Warning signs are always diamonds.5. Your level of intoxication will be a lot higher if you have a bottle of beer rather than a glass of wine
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: All foods have a defined serving size. That's right you guessed it alcohol is also a food, it is a carbohydrate, and there is a way to define what is one drink.
  • One 1.5 oz. of 80 proof whiskey �Shot� of distilled spirits is one drink
  • A five ounce glass of wine is one drink
  • One twelve-ounce beer is one drink.
6. You are more likely to survive a collision if you are thrown from the vehicle.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: Some people say, "I'd rather be thrown from the car." You're 25 times more likely to be killed, if you are thrown from your car.7. If you lose your current license because you have moved to another state or country and obtained a new license, your old license has:
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. CanceledCorrect!Explanation: When moving to another state of country you must surrender your current license and apply for a new one in that state or country Your old license is canceled..8. As a first-time offender convicted of DUI/OWI, you could face:
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. Both of the above.Correct!Explanation: First time offenders convicted of DUI/OWI may face the following consequences:
  • License revocation
  • Jail time
  • Fine of at least $250 to $500
  • Hours of community service
  • Mandated attendance at a 12-hour DUI school, treatment if required.
9. Each year over ______ people die in car crashes.
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. 42,000Correct!Explanation: There were 6.3 million traffic crashes in 2003, and nearly 43,000 people died in those crashes. In addition to the cost in human lives, the economic cost exceeds $230 billion annually!10. Not all moving violations will appear on your driving record.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: Every time you are convicted of a traffic violation or are involved in a collision, it's recorded on your driving record. Many states use a point system to identify unsafe drivers, assigning point values for each traffic violation, such as reckless driving, speeding or failing to obey stop signs.11. Alcohol and other drugs affect the nerve cells within the brain
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Alcohol and other drugs acts primarily on the nerve cells within the brain. Alcohol interferes with communication between nerve cells and all other cells, suppressing the activities of excitatory nerve pathways and increasing the activities of inhibitory nerve pathways.12. What is tolerance
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. Over time the user takes more and more of a drug to feel the same effectCorrect!Explanation: Over time with regular use, a user needs more and more of the drug to get the desired effect. Increased tolerance means an increased risk for overdose for two reasons. First, every drug has a main effect (the effect the user wants) and side effects (effects that the user does not want). Tolerance does not develop evenly to all effects of a drug.13. You can maintain a proper following distance by
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. Using the three second ruleCorrect!Explanation: Don't tailgate - Maintain a 2-3 second gap between you and the vehicle in front of you. And if you're on the highway or driving in bad conditions, increase that time to 3 to 5 seconds. Never use tailgating to express your anger or frustration.14. Statistically your chances of being involved in a fatal crash double between 6PM and 3AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Statistically, your chances of being involved in a fatal crash are almost double between 6 pm and 3 am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.15. An example of a dangerous passing situation is:
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. All optionsCorrect!Explanation: Never pass in a no passing zone or if there is a line of cars in front of the car you want to pass. Never pass where solid lines exist on the roadway.16. Zero Tolerance Law Means:
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: C. It is illegal for minors to operate a vehicle after even one drink.Incorrect!Explanation: Florida has a �zero-tolerance� law for people under 21 years old. Under this law, a minor cannot have any measurable alcohol or other drug in their blood while driving a motor vehicle. If you are under 21 your license will be suspended if you are found driving with a BAC level of .02 or higher.17. The trickiest and most difficult lighting exists at what time?
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. Dusk.Correct!Explanation: Almost 50% of all fatal crashes occur at night. However, even though nighttime is the most dangerous time to drive, the difficulty begins at twilight, the period between sunset and nighttime.18. The brain plays no role in addiction
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: It is an all-too-common scenario: A person experiments with an addictive drug. Perhaps they intend to try it just once for "the experience" of it. It turns out, though, that they enjoy the drugs euphoric effect so much that in ensuing weeks and months they use it again -- and again. But in due time, they decide they really should quit. They know that despite the incomparable short-term high they get from using the drug, the long-term consequences of its use are perilous, and vow to stop using.19. Alcohol is a gateway drug
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: ALCOHOL AS A GATEWAY DRUG

At many times throughout this course there has been a mention of the lack of judgment that will occur when one is impaired by alcohol, leading to poor or possibly irrational decisions.20. If two cars get to a four-way stop intersection at the same time, the car making a left turn should always be given the right of way
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: At a four-way stop, the car on the left has to yield the right of way to the car on the right. Never insist on it.21. The road is most slippery:
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: C. During the first half hour of the rainIncorrect!Explanation: There is dirt, oil and fuel that accumulates, increasing your chances of skidding or hydroplaning, especially during the first half hour of a rainfall. All the fragments of dust, oil, gas, and other kinds of residue dropped by cars and trucks accumulate on the road s surface. The mixture of the rain and these fragments makes it very slippery when driving. So be careful during the first half hour to an hour of rainfall. Try to avoid driving during these periods.22. Pedestrians can be legally At Fault for causing a crash
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. All optionsCorrect!Explanation: A pedestrian must use the crosswalk at an intersection, wait on the corner until cars stop for them, make eye contact with each driver as they cross, and walk briskly across the street. A driver must always try to avoid pedestrians but pedestrians are responsible for their own safety.23. If two cars get to a 4-way stop intersection at the same time, which car should be yielded the right-of-way.
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. Car on the right.Correct!Explanation: The first car to get there is allowed to go first. The other car should yield the right of way. Never insist on the right of way. We never want to say I got here first, so I'm going no matter what. That's how crashes occur.24. A parking brake system
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. must be able to hold your car on a hill or inclineCorrect!Explanation: Brake System

Check the pads and parking brake system regularly. Either system alone must be able to stop the car. The parking or emergency system should be strong enough to hold the car on any hill.25. The chance of being involved in a fatal crash is higher at night than during the day.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: A. TrueIncorrect!Explanation: Almost 50% of all fatal crashes occur at night. However, even though nighttime is the most dangerous time to drive, the difficulty begins at twilight, the period between sunset and nighttime.26. People who wear their shoulder belt under their arm may have ____ in the event of a collision
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. Their Aorta separated from their heartCorrect!Explanation: Never wear the shoulder strap underneath your arm. There's nothing underneath your arm to stop the seat belt. If you're in any kind of serious collision, it cuts right through your skin, separates your aorta from your heart, and you bleed to death at the scene.27. Ethanol is a depressant
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Alcoholic Beverages contain ethanol, a mood-altering drug. When drinking, your judgment and inhibition will first be affected usually causing you to feel more relaxed, friendly and outgoing. Alcohol affects can be unpredictable. In some instances, you may have abnormal mood swings and become aggressive, depressed or violent. Alcohol will next affect your motor ability including reaction time, muscle coordination, eyesight and depth perception which all impair driving ability.28. The Cerebral Cortex is the highest portion of the brain
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Cerebral Cortex

The cerebral cortex is the highest portion of the brain. The cortex processes information from your senses, does your "thought" processing and consciousness, initiates most voluntary muscle movements and influences lower-order brain centers.29. You may be cited for improper safety equipment on your car if
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. both of the above.Correct!Explanation: It is against the law to drive with any defective brake lights, or defective or obstructed windshield or rear window.30. If your license has been suspended, you must do the following to reinstate your license:
Your Answer: CCorrect Answer: C. All of the aboveCorrect!Explanation: If your license has been suspended, you must do the following to reinstate your license:

  • Serve the period of suspension
  • Attend any required driver improvement school
  • Pay any service fee in addition to any fines ordered by court
  • Show proof of insurance
  • You also may be required to re-take part of the license test.
31. Barbiturates are a
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. DepressantCorrect!Explanation: Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants that are prescribed for many therapeutic purposes, including sleep disorders, anxiety, and seizure disorders. Barbiturates are used non-medically to help people relax or sleep, to induce a sense of euphoria, or to counteract the adverse effects of other drugs.32. Refusing to submit to a sobriety test is your right by law
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: You will be asked to take a blood, a urine or a breath test if a law enforcement officer thinks you are under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs while driving. By law, if you drive in Florida, you have agreed to take these tests if asked. If you refuse to take the tests when asked, your license will be suspended for one year. If you are stopped again and refuse the tests again, your license will be suspended for eighteen months.33. You may still make a U-Turn where a "No Left Turn" sign is posted
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: You cannot make a u-turn:
  • Where a left turn sign is posted.
  • Where a "No U-Turn" sign is posted.
  • When vehicles may hit you.
  • On a one-way street.
  • In front of a fire station. Never use a fire station driveway to turn around.
34. A driver is labeled a habitual traffic offender if they receive fifteen total traffic convictions within a five-year period.
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: A driver is labeled a "habitual traffic offender" and faces automatic revocation of their license, if they receive within a five-year period, either three major traffic convictions or fifteen total traffic convictions.35. The best tool to extinguish a small gasoline or diesel fire is a portable fire extinguisher.
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: FIRE
  • If the fire is small and you have a portable extinguisher, you should attempt to extinguish the fire.
  • If you cannot extinguish the fire and it continues to get larger, get away from the vehicle. There may be toxic fumes and the possibility of an explosion.
  • Never apply water to a gasoline or diesel fire.
  • If the fire is small and you have a portable extinguisher, you should attempt to extinguish the fire.
36. The chances of being involved in an auto collision once a year are:
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. 1 in 25Correct!Explanation: Your chance of being involved in an automobile crash once a year is 1 in 25.37. The best safety feature for preventing whiplash is the airbag.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: One of the most overlooked safety features in your vehicle is the headrests. Believe it or not, it is not just for comfort but is a very important safety device. If your headrest is not properly adjusted, and you are involved in a crash, your head will actually snap back.38. A diamond shaped sign is:
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. WarningCorrect!Explanation: All warning signs are usually in the shape of a diamond and are yellow and black in color.39. Withdrawal from barbiturates and alcohol have a greater risk of death
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Withdrawal to different drugs varies in unpleasantness, severity and risk for death. Withdrawal from heroin is one of the most unpleasant withdrawals, but withdrawal from heavy barbiturate or alcohol use after a very long period of use has a greater risk of death. Withdrawal symptoms are usually the opposite of the effects and side effects of the drug.40. At 60 mph the force of your car impacting a surface is about four times as great as 30 mph.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: A. TrueIncorrect!Explanation: At 60 miles per hour, the force you produce is 4 times greater than at 30 miles per hour. Consider how much roadway you need to stop your car at different speeds. At 25 miles per hour, it takes you about 62 feet to stop a car. At 35 miles per hour, it takes almost twice as long to stop the car, at 60 mph.
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Q: Do your chances of being involved in a fatal crash double between 6PM and 3AM on Friday Saturday and Sunday nights?
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Is it true that Statistically your chances of being involved in a fatal crash double between 6PM and 3AM on Friday Saturday and Sunday nights?


Statistically your chances of being involved in a fatal crash double between 6PM and 3AM on Friday Saturday and Sunday nights true or false?


Did April 15 fall on Friday in any year between 1994 and 2005?

It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.It was on a Friday in 1994 and 2005, but not in any year in between, as 1999 had it on a Thursday but 2000 skipped to a Saturday as it was a leap year.

What date is fair Friday 2009?

Fair Friday is the Friday after the second Monday in July, this year that's 17th. Fair Saturday is always the Saturday with a "teenth" in its date, ie between 13th and 19th.

Difference between Friday and Saturday Jewish services?

Like many Jewish holidays, the Jewish Sabbath begins after sundown on Friday night and ends at sundown on Saturday night.

How is the date decided for Glasgow fair?

Fair Friday is the Friday after the second Monday in July, ie it's whichever Friday is dated between 12th and 18th, so Fair Saturday is always the Saturday with "teen" in its date.

What is the day in Australia if it is Friday in the US?

Friday or Saturday, depending on the time and locations

What does next Monday mean on a Friday?

When you say next Monday on a Friday, it means in three days. There are two full days between Friday and Monday. The weekend, Saturday and Sunday is between Friday and Monday.

Is the 15 of April 2011 on a Friday or Saturday?


What comes after Friday?

The day which comes after Friday is Saturday.

What day is considered the Jewish sabbath?

Saturday, from Friday sundown until Saturday after twilight.

Does Friday and Saturday rhyme?
