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Birth Control pill will prevent you from ovulating.

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Q: Do you still ovulate on the pill?
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You took the first 6 pills of your pack and none after can you still ovulate on time to get pregnant?

You can still ovulate to get pregnant. This is possible because you only took the first 6 pills of your pill pack. Once you have stopped taking your pills, you can still ovulate similar to the situation if you missed a pill or two by accident. You can still get pregnant these ways.

When do you ovulate if you're on the birth control pill?

Normally a woman does not ovulate while taking the birth control pill. This is the birth control pill's primary method of action.

Can I still have a period if I do not ovulate"?

No, you cannot have a period if you do not ovulate.

If you stop taking the pill and did ovulate when should you get your period?

in approx. 14 days.

If you are ovulating and on the pill will you get pregnant?

The point of the pill is to prevent pregnancy all together. A "time frame" of when you can get pregnant will depend on YOU and how well you follow instructions to taking the pill. (take it the same time every day, don't miss pills, use back up form of contraception when switching pills, when first starting the pill, or while on anti-biotics, know what to do if you miss three pills in a row, etc).

Will lutera help me ovulate?

No, Lutera is a birth control pill meant to prevent ovulation.

Can you become pregnant days after stopping the pill?

yes, as i know you can get pregnant if you just miss one pill so i presume its the same as you dont know when u might ovulate - u could ovulate like the same day i reckon

The Sunday after your period when you take the first pill in the pack how long does it take for the pill to take effect Can you have unprotected sex that same day since ive been on the pill for 2 yr?

If you've been on the pill for two years, you can pretty much have sex whenever you want. You see, while on the pill, you don't actually ovulate. After your period, even if you didn't start taking your pills again, you'd have at least a week before you ovulate(as most women ovulate 2 weeks after period ends). So, if you're taking the pill, you're covered all the way through!

Could you get pregnant if you don't ovulate?

No. That is the whole purpose of the birth control pill. Ovulation is needed.

Can you still ovulate even though you do not have your menstrual cycle?

YES you can still ovulate without a menstrual cycle. Also you can still get pregnant without a period.

If your girlfriend used to have bad pain and cramps when she ovulated but now shes on birth control and has had no pain or cramps for a year can she still get pregnant since she wouldn't be ovulating?

You still ovulate when you're on birth control, and you can get pregnant even on the pill.

Do you still ovulate after withdrawal bleeding?
