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Well ovulation is more important when become pregnant than the period but in order to ovulate you must have your period. Generally you get your period between ages 9-14. A woman is most likely to become pregnant when she is ovulation (when her ovaries release an egg). Once the egg is released, sperm from the male, fertilizes it and it grows into a baby. But you do not have to be on your period to become pregnant. A woman generally ovulates about 14 days after her menstrual period.

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Q: Do you need to have your period to get pregnant?
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If your having a heavy period its very slim that you are pregnant. But if you had sex while you are pregnant you can actually get pregnant while having intercourse on your period. What exactly make you feel you are pregnant? and if you were pregnant before this period you need to see a doctor A.S.A.P. Something is going on in there.

Do girls need there period to get pregnant?

No, girls don't need to have menstruated to get pregnant. Ovulation occurs BEFORE menstruation so you can get pregnant before menstruation.

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WHAT?! There's no need!! Tampons are for when you have your period ONLY! What on Earth would you need a tampon for if your pregnant?!

Can you get your period n be pregnant?

i need to kno the same thing!

How old do woman need to be to get pregnant?

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Can you get ur period while you are pregnant?

No you can't have your period while you are pregnant. Your period is ment to flush out the un-fertalized egg and make way for a new one. When you are pregnant the egg is fertalized so there is no need for your body to get rid of the egg. meaning no period. _______________________________________

Im 12 and never started your period yet could you be pregnant?

no because you need your period to have a baby

Your period is just finishing- how likely is it that you are pregnant?

You need to explain more of the circumstances that make you think you may be pregnant.