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you tunes? do you mean your tunes or itunes, or your itunes. Well you don't need safari to use iTunes. You need itunes to use itunes ;) itunes works best on a MAC computer then a PC.

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Does itunes need safari?

not that i know of. it worked fine w/out it for me. it does need quicktime, though.

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RealPlayer is not required to use iTunes.

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You need iTunes to upload music onto your iPod.

Is the use and installation of Safari free?

On Windows pc's, as far as I know, yes. I got it for free when I downloaded iTunes.

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You do not have to upgrade to Safari 4. It is optional.

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Apparently, but you need iTunes version 8.x

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No, use redsn0w.

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Yes. Updating iTunes is absolutely free. As a matter of fact, so is updating your iDevice software, and Safari!

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Notes, Videos, safari, Etc.

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Itunes is the most common app for IPad3 to download music and MP3s.