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you don't need an iTunes card (you can use one but you don't have to), bit you do have to have an itunes account and a credit card

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Q: Do you need a iTunes card to install apps?
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Can you redeem an itunes card in the apple app store?

No. You need an Apple App Card to purchase Apps from the App Store!

Does the iPod touch have games?

Yes. Such as the App Store. You're going to need an iTunes account to install the apps.

Why can't I install apps from my iPod Touch onto my iPod Touch?

You probably need to make a itunes account

Are there any apps you don't need an I tunes account to install?

You need an iTunes account for every app, but some are free and others you have to pay for

What do you need to have a itouch?

To have a itouch you would need: itunes to put music,apps,tv shows,movies. Inter net to download itunes and a charging cord that comes with it. You will allso need a email account and credit/debit card to buy apps and music.

Do you have to buy iTunes before you can buy any apps on a iPad?

No, you just need to free download iTunes and then use it to buy apps. iTunes is free.

What iPod do you need for the apps on itunes?

you need an ipod touch or iphone :)

What card do you need to get games on ipod touch?

There are two choices of cards you could get. You could get the iTunes Gift Card or the App Card. Either one will allow you to buy games and apps for the iPod Touch.

Can you download Whats app onto a computer?

Yes, download iTunes (see the related link) and search for What'sApp or anything else. You need an Apple ID with a credit card or iTunes Gift Card with enough valid credit for paid apps.

Why does iTunes need a credit card to redeem iTunes cards?

Actually you don'tif you have a gift card you dont need your credit card

Does a iPhone have to be activated to get apps?

You would need to have an iTunes account.

Do you pay for apps on the Droid?

You need a credit card or a debit card to pay for apps.