

Best Answer

Yes, if you wanna sign up membership is $29.95 for one year. After that year is up you can renew your membership but you have to pay $29.95 again. You can keep renewing your membership like this until you don't wanna be on MileyWorld. P.S. I'm on MileyWorld too and my username is PinkPurple99. add me!

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Q: Do you have to pay to go on mileyworld?
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Do you need to pay to join mileyworld?


Is mileyworld free?

No, you have to pay $29.99 a year but, you can buy her album and it comes with a free 60 day pass code and you can go to a free version!

What does a annual membership mean in MileyWorld?

Annaual Memberships are memberships that you purchase once a year. In MileyWorld you pay a low price of $29.95 for a FULL YEAR of membership.

How do you become a mileyworld staff member?

it said on the FAQ page of mileyworld they do not have any openings at this time, but if you want to become a member you can pay $30 a month on your visa or mastercard no cash allowed

When you buy a CD of Miley Cyrus how can you go on mileyworld?

you cant.

Can I borrow someone's MileyWorld VIP code?

can i borrow someone's mileyworld VIP code? or go to for the exact same thing but free!

Does mileyworld have contests?

Yes mileyworld does have contest in facts tons of them

How do you pay for mileyworld?

Well obviously when you sign up it must say pay or something. Then you just type some of your information and you pay. Ask a grown up tp help you.

Does Mileyworld cost ANY money at all?

MileyWorld cost 29.95 a year

Is it free to get on Mileyworld?

No, you have to pay $29.99 a year but, you can buy her album and it comes with a free 60 day pass code and you can go to a free version! Just go to for the exact same thing but free!Read more: Is_Miley_World_free_to_enter

Mileyworld free accounts?

mileyworld go to store and ask for Miley Cyrus breakout CD look on back for code so u get a 60 day MEMBERSHIP! for free.So maybe you can say link where i can ..?

What is MileyWorld?