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Eating a low fat diet with more healthy fruit, healthy whole grains -- and including wine with food - can help shed pounds and belly fat.

-Melons. At fewer than 50 calories a slice, this healthy fruit is one sweet treat you can feel free to indulge in.

-Wine. A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people who averaged a serving of alcohol a day had slimmer waistlines than their tee-totaling counterparts. "Drinking a small amount of alcohol with a meal may speed up calorie burn," says Jerry Greenfield, M.D., Ph.D., the study's author.

- Whole-grain bread. Researchers at Penn State found that dieters who ate at least five servings of healthy whole grains while following a low calorie diet shed 24 percent more abdominal fat than those who averaged the same number of calories but ate refined grains. To up your intake of healthy whole grains, swap your cornflakes for oatmeal.

- Grapefruit. Research in Public Health Nutrition found that people who consumed the least amount of this Vitamin-C rich healthy fruit were 131 percent more likely to have larger waists than those who got the most. Other studies suggest that grapefruit can curb the insulin spikes that lead to fat storage.

-Walnuts: Increase omega 3 benefits with walnuts. Research shows that their omega 3 fatty acids lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, that can contribute to fat storage.

Here are some things to eat LESS of when trying to get rid of belly fat.

Sugar substitutes: Although they curb calories, those pink, blue, and yellow packets can make your stomach swell. "Some people have difficulty digesting artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol and xylitol," says Greaves. "That can cause bloating and diarrhea." Try weaning yourself off them by using a small amount of real sugar.

Canned soup: Many boxed, canned, and frozen processed foods are stealthy sources of sodium. A cup of chicken noodle, for instance, can pack in more than a third of your 2,400-milligram daily limit. "Even a small amount of excess sodium can cause your body to retain water," says Greaves.

Partially hydrogenated oil: Researchers from Wake Forest University found that eating a diet high in trans fats may actually cause fat in the body to redistribute itself to the belly.

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There is no such pill. Not from Walmart or anywhere else.

What is the belly fat diet?

Jorge Cruise has written several books devoted to belly fat loss. Read a review of this latest book.Also, for more information about foods that help to lose or avoid belly fat, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Does the Belly Fat Diet Really Burn Belly Fat?

Many dieters find that belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose. This is what attracts so many people to the belly fat diet. But is this diet really effective? While there are several variations of the belly fat diet, most are based on the idea that limiting carbohydrate intake will reduce belly fat. Unfortunately, while these diets may work, they will not specifically reduce your belly fact. It is not possible to burn fat from one area over another. To lose belly fat, dieters will need to improve their diet, participate in cardiovascular exercise, and lower their body fat as a whole.

What is a quick way to get rid of belly fat?

There is no fast way to get rid of belly fat. The best thing to do is eat right and get plenty of exercise.

What is meant by belly fat diet?

When people talk about belly fat diets they are talking about a diet that is designed to specifically target a person's belly fat. This is the excess fat that develops around the abdomen or stomach region.

Where can i find the cure to belly fat?

You are supposed to lose four to nine pounds each week on the Belly Fat Diet. Information is provided at the following:

What can I do to get rid of my excess belly fat?

Medical sites like stresses the importance of a healthy diet to burn belly fat. Exercise alone will only tone the abdominal muscles. Diet should include small frequent portions of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish.

Is there a good belly fat diet?

Belly fat can be difficult to get rid of and you cannot lose weight in just one spot without the help of a plastic surgeon. However if you do want to shrink your belly the best thing to do would be to cut calories and increase the amount of cardio exercise that you do.

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What are the causes and remedies of belly fat in women?

Hormones is the number one reason that women gain belly fat. Eating right and exercising are the best and most common ways to rid yourself of belly fat. Trying to rid yourself of stress may also contribute to the loss of belly fat.

Belly Fat Diet?

form_title= Belly Fat Diet form_header= Reduce your belly fat with a custom diet! What foods are you eating to reduce your belly fat?*= _ How many inches would you like to lose off your weight and belly?*= _ Do you have any dietary restrictions?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure If so, what kind?*= _

I eat healthy and work out daily I am 5' 10 and 165 lbs I am muscular except for my lower belly How do I get rid of this?

simple carbohydrates tend to cause fat to goto you lower belly, if you are to get rid of this remove them from you diet completely and start a cardio routine (if you haven't)