You can. Every woman is different on how their bodies react to pregnancy.
You'll be bloated is all.
1-2 weeks
you can have pregnancy symptoms as early as 3 weeks!
It depends some as earl as 2 weeks others can go upto 3 months or more without symptoms.
The same time as with any other pregnancy - as early as 2 weeks after sex, but typically around 6 weeks after sex
The same as for anybody else! 2 weeks after sex is the earliest pregnancy symptoms would appear. However, for most people they do not start getting symptoms until 4-6 weeks after sex.
No, it takes 2 weeks to just get pregnant after the sex.
If you are on/had your period your probably not pregnant, but do a pregnancy test to be sure.
You only have symptoms for a few weeks, not for the entire pregnancy.
Most women don't even know they are pregnant at that point. There should be very few symptoms of pregnancy if any, at only 2 weeks pregnant.
The most common pregnancy symptoms at five weeks are missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue.