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If you are an adult you cannot grow taller by losing weight. Not if you have already finished growing. Though an adult will not actually grow taller if they lose weight, they can appear taller because they are now slimmer.

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Q: Do you get taller when you lose weight?
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When you lose weight do you look shorter or taller?


How lose weight and grow taller?

Losing weight is under your control. Growing taller is not. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories - forever.

If you lose weight is it true you will get taller and if so how much taller?

No, you will not actually grow taller but you will appear taller because you are slimmer.

If you get taller will you lose weight?

No you will gain weight but if you don't eat lots of food you will appear slimmer

If you skateboard does it make you taller?

Skateboarding will not make you taller. It might make you skinnier or help you lose weight, but if you are not still growing, you won't get any taller.

Do you lose weight and get taller by playing football?

The workout, practice and game schedule might well induce one to lose weight, but like all exercise any weight loss program also involves controlling one's intake. As to getting taller, the answer is absolutely not. You have the causation exactly backwards. Taller people have an advantage and therefore do better in the game (all else being equal), which means that players tend to be taller. The game doesn't MAKE them taller any more than basketball does.

How can you lose weight and or grow taller?

You can lose weight only by following a diet and exercising, and u can grow taller by making sure ur body is gettibng all of the substances it needs, and make sure ur getting enough proteins, it helps ur bones grow!

When do mini schnauzers start to grow taller?

They grow from birth to about one year of age. After that they only gain or lose weight.

Does it depend on weight for height?

No. I don't think weight determines someones height. Once you grow as tall as you're gunna get, you stop. You don't shrink if you gain or lose weight and you don't get taller if you gain or lose weight. But, being short and fat isn't a real pretty combo, or being really tall and extremelly skinny. No. I don't think weight determines someones height. Once you grow as tall as you're gunna get, you stop. You don't shrink if you gain or lose weight and you don't get taller if you gain or lose weight. But, being short and fat isn't a real pretty combo, or being really tall and extremelly skinny.

You are 21 and you weight 120 it that the healthy weight that you have or do you have to lose weight?

No you do not need to lose weight. 120 is a good weight (in pounds or kilograms it depends on your height), but it all depends on how tall you are. If you are any where from 4'11 (150 cm) to 5'4 (162 cm) 120lbs is a good weight if you weigh 120 kg you should be much taller (over 6'8" or over 204 cm) . If you are shorter you may need to watch what you eat. If you are taller you might want to make sure you are not starving yourself.

I am a 15 year old boy 5'6 220 pounds and I am going to lose weight will I become taller and how do I become taller?

You will become taller during puberty and will also lose fat during this period, though your total weight will probably increase due to increased height and increased muscle mass. Each boy has a slightly different time that they start hitting their growth spurts, but it should happen to you soon.

Do you lose weight when puberty PROPERLY hits you?

It varies. Often the child don't lose weight but get taller so it evens it out. Just eat healthy and exercise and wait until you are out of puberty at 18-20. You are like a bun in the oven so we have no idea how you will turn out.