yes indeed you do particulary if you are smoking just pure weed with no fag in it. take a few tokes of a spliff or a bong and hold it in your head will spin
Because the water in the bong helps filter out some of the toxins from the marijuana smoke and leaves the THC. This gives you a "cleaner" hit which you can hold in longer and will get you higher.
Not necessarily, however it does increase your high.
In a 1989 study, subjects were asked to hold their breath in three different intervals ranging from zero to 20 seconds. There was no measurable difference between those who held the smoke and those that immediately exhaled. For those of you who swear that you get higher, you may be getting a stronger head rush from oxygen deprivation and an increased heart rate — not from the smoke.
A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.
At high altitudes the air is "thinner" so when inhaling marijuana smoke, the smoke will constitute a higher fraction of what you are drawing into your lungs. Since it's more concentrated you are getting a higher dose with each toke - which would probably get you high faster (not necessarily "higher" but probably high faster).
THC lasts longer when eaten than when smoked - that's why you get higher with cooked marijuana foods. The reason is that when you smoke, your body only absorbs the amount of smoke that comes into contact with the surface area of your lungs - the rest is wasted. When you eat marijuana foods, there is very little wasted.
no mike epps does not smoke marijuana in fact he doesnt smoke anything
Yes, he was a very peaceful man and smoked marijuana as a hobby and as a release. He was known to smoke marijuana with his high officials and friends.
== == Eminem used to do smoke in the past, like marijuana, but he doesn't smoke anymore. Not marijuana or cigarettes.
Marijuana contains no known cancer causing agents.
The question is not can you smoke marijuana while having poison sumac, but WHY are you asking if you can smoke marijuana while having poison sumac? That is the question.