It depends on your relationship with the parent. There are strong reasons to go either way. If you do decide to, please keep your cool and make sure the other parent isn't around to hear what you are discussing. Ask if what you think is happening really is what is going on and explain how you arrived at that conclusion. Then I assume your parent will take it from there.
no. The one you should confront is your man. And if he is cheating it's his loss.
To tell if a woman is cheating there are various methods. If you do not feel like she likes you anymore and does not confront you. It might be the case that she is cheating on you.
No, But if you have a feeling she is cheating on you then you are probably right
Go up to them and tell them how you feel and what you saw and heard.
No you can't although you can confront her about it.
What happens is, you confront him, & if he cheating then you'll know what to do.
that means that he is trying to convince you that he is not cheating on you
YES!!! Confront him & tell him he can't do that!
Whether your boyfriend is cheating or not you have no business breaking into his razr passcode and it is an illegal act. Since you feel he is cheating then confront him about it or, you could catch him red-handed because if he is cheating online then he is probably cheating someone where you live.
The only way to know for sure is confront the situation and talk with him calmly to sort things out.
Most cheating husbands will deny they are cheating. Be calm and either get a friend to go with you when you feel he is out cheating and follow him or, hire a detective for three or four days to be sure he truly is cheating and then you can give him solid proof you need and you will have to decide if you want to live with a cheater.
Confront her. You need to let her know that it is okay for her to be attracted to girls but it IS NOT okay for her to do anything with girls while you are married, cheating is cheating no matter the gender.