The signs your boyfriend may be cheating with someone who lives on the same street is if he is spending less and less time with you and spending more time with the other person who lives on the same street. If you really want to know what is going on then follow him one day to see what he is up too. Take a girlfriend along with you as a witness. Do not enter the home of the other person, but see how long he stays or if they go out together and where they go.
It's a distinct possibility. If she is doing it to her current boyfriend with you, why wouldn't she do it to you if you became her boyfriend?
my boyfriend did the same thing. i found out later that he was cheating on me.
Find a new boyfriend. If he did it once and you forgive him. He'll do it again and expect the same.
Every boyfriend cheated.Yeah my boyfriend was cheating on me and we didn't break up but guess what? I do the same to him and when I return this favour to him he ask for forgiveness and he regret what he did before because he knew that I wouldn't do this to him if he didn't do it first so yeah if your boyfriend is cheating on you secretly but you know about it,why not do the same thing to him and don't hide it just do it right in front of him..
Yes it is still cheating even though the other is a same sex partner. It would be really nice if you let your boyfriend in on the fact you are bisexual.
While cheating is hurtful to the other person and self-indulging for the person who is cheating all humans make mistakes in their lives and if they can learn from that mistake and not make it again then they become wiser. Learn from this experience and don't make the same mistake twice. Be honest with your boyfriend and if you have broken up over this then face him and apologize and then get on with your life.
No. She's only cheating on her boyfriend if she goes out with another person at the same time.
thatyour still in love with the oher man.
She's cheating on you. Sorry dude. It sucks to find out this way but I am going through the same thing myself.
You should tell him that you know that he's cheating on you and tell him how you feel about it. Also if he then goes hmmm... ok then just do the same back if your a bitch or if your nice then just dump them.
Definitely not ok. She's cheating on you. Not good. You're dumb, dump her and move on. You draw the line at cheating!!!