Your body constantly burns calories at a base rate just to stop you from dieing at any given moment. Anything you do beyond existing, even just thinking, will burn slightly more calories. But don't confuse this to think that you can lose weight by talking all day.
About 90 calories.
you burn nothing cause your fat
Yes Talking requires the use of muscles to move air and control it, and this requires the use of energy which burns calories. even scrathing your nose or thinking about it burns calories.
About 450 calories
51/15 You're looking at 3.4 calories per minute
grunting for sure, it requires more muscles to do.
You will eventually die. You need about 2000 calories to stay alive. Keep in mind that you burn calories by just sleeping. So, the calories you burn while working out are not the only ones. *Education is key.*
You don't burn much, but certainly about a good 20 to 50 calories.