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Not substantially, but yes, you do. The same result is more true if you take blood thinning medication and/or alcohol.

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Q: Do you bleed more if you smoke weed before getting a tattoo?
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Can you smoke cigarettes after getting a tattoo?

I would say so. I personally chew tobacco, but I always have before my tattoo sessions and I've never run into a problem. Also, most of the other clients at the shop I go to seem to smoke before they get tattooed and I've never heard of any of them running into anything.

Does Taylor Swift have any tattoos or smoke?

no she doesn't smoke but a lot of people say she has a tattoo on her hip

When you smoke do you bleed from your nose?

Well, typically smoke doesn't come out of your nose, so if smoke does come out of your nose, I suggest finding a fire extinguisher.

Can you smoke before a ct scan?

Can I smoke before ct scan

Is it true that if you smoke tobacco you will die 8 minutes before?

No. If you smoke, you will undoubtedly shorten your life if you keep on smoking. People who quit, however, tend to live about as long as non-smokers, assuming that they quit before they start getting sick.

How do you stop your hands shaking tattooing?

Smoke a cigarette before u do the tattoo also try to keep ur other foot flat in the ground besides the one u used to press the pedal ..

What will happen if you smoke a cigarette after an extraction?

You can dislodge a blood clot & bleed profusely; that's why the dentist tells you not to smoke or drink through a straw for at least 3 days.

How can you avoid getting asthma?

by getting away from people who smoke

Does Jessica Holmes smoke?

She has had her pictures taken many times while she was smoking. She also has played roles where the character smoked.

What is the name of Phillip pullmans trioligy?

The ruby in the smoke 2006 The shadow in the north 2007 The butterfly tattoo 2009

Can candle smoke hurt your eye if close?

Any kind of smoke will irritate your eyes. Avoid getting smoke in your eyes.