Yes. How else would they get pigment below your skin?
They use needles, such as this 100 round premanufactured one.
They are for fine lines and detail that's in the tattoo you can also use this needle to do awhole tattoo for lines and shading without changing needles
No you can't use rubbing alcohol to sterilize tattoo needles. Rubbing alcohol might disinfect the needles but sterilization for tattoo equipment is usually done with a "Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave)" which removes spores by applying heat and pressure to the equipment.
of course. if you don't use sterile needles.
Tattoo needles do not "turn around", tattoo machines repeatedly pierce the skin with ink. Different needles are used for coloring, and outlining. The Needles used for outlining are thinner than the needles used for coloring.
no they do not we all get the same needles buddy
Most tattoo needles are made of some grade of stainless steel. Surgical stainless steel is very common in tattooing needles.
You can get HIV from getting a tattoo if sterile needles were not used. Reputable tattoo artists use infection control procedures that eliminate this risk.
Gerard Way does not have a tattoo. He is deathly afraid of needles.
Autoclaves, brah.