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Nope. They just pierce it. Anything they could use to numb your lip would cause it to swell up, making it hard to pierce you accurately. Besides, it doesn't hurt very much.

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Q: Do they numb your lip before you get your lip pierced?
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Can a side labret cause lip numbness?

For a short time after it's pierced, it might feel numb or tingly. It's not normal if you've had it pierced for quite awhile and it's still numb.

What do you eat after you got your lip pierced?

you have to wait 2 hours before you eat anything if you have your lip pierced.

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If I want to get the side of my lip pierced an am not very tolerant to pain is there any way to numb it before getting the piercing?

Yes, you can get freezing for your lip. but then again it all depends on the piercing artist and location i suppose. I have my lip done and I did get freezing without even asking for it.

Can you get your lip pierced if you drank the night before?

yes, you can :)

What are the dangers of getting a lip piercing?

I knew this guy that pierced his lip hisself and hit a nerve and a large part of the left side of his face is permenantly numb. I pierced mine 4 times, and it turned out fine, but i guess i just got lucky.

Should your lip be numb after pierced?

no but it will hurt for a while after. it will swell but very little. and you cant eat right for like a week but after that its all good.

Do the numm your lip when you get a lip persing?

If I'm reading your question correctly, then no, they do not numb your lip when you get it pierced. They use sterilized equipment and if they do it properly, you should only feel a small pinch (like if someone were to lightly pinch you on the arm).

You want to get the side of your lip pierced an am not very tolerant to pain is there any way to numb it before the piercing?

they dont actually numb it but the mouthwash they give you helps alot However some places do offer numbing as an option if you prefer, but you would need to ask around to see if anywhere does offer this.

Where should you get your lip pierced?

On your lip...

When you num your cartilidge does it still hurt when you get it pierced?

The piercer won't numb your cartilage before piercing it.

How old was Tom Kaulitz when he got his lip pierced?

He was 13 when he got his lip pierced =]