In theory all antibiotics can make birth control pills less effective. This concern has not been proved.
Birth control pills are quite effective.
Birth control pills can never be considered 100% effective, im 12 and i no that
A tubal ligation is a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy. Birth control pills prevent, but don't help, a woman to get pregnant. Combining tubal ligation and birth control pills is not an effective way to get pregnant.
No, the myth that antibiotics make birth control pills less effective is not true.
99.9% effective
If the pills are dry and unharmed, they should still be effective. Check in with the pharmacist for another opinion.
Yes, the birth control pill will be effective at any time that you choose that is convenient for you. However, you must take your birth control pills everyday at the same time in order for it to remain effective.
I am not allergic to birth control pills.
Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"
No, birth control pills are not narcotics.