Some do, some don't. I like them in between. A nice landing strip is about right.
Different men prefer different women the same as different women prefer different men.
shaved well most people do but i prefere hairy ones
Most men do prefer dogs to cats, but it depends.
Some men prefer smaller cups A B etc, some men prefer C D or DD, some prefer larger. It is a personal preferance and there is great variance from man to man.
No, not really. Some men may prefer to control women, but 99% do not.
Some do, but not all - - in fact, not even a majority. Some men prefer to be dominated by women. Some men prefer an equal relationship. Some men aren't interested in women at all and want to be with other men.
90% of women prefer men who are tall,fair and with a six pack abs... 10% of the prefer normal men
men in their thirties prefer anyone who he is atracted to and is willing to be intimate.
Men like the weak ones
Some bisexual men may prefer men over women. Some bisexual men may prefer women over men. Some may also shift over time. Others may look at the person's personality or other factors, rather than the gender.
Well, I bet she doesn't prefer trolls.