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Yes some men do like tall women and some even marry them (my best friend's sister-in-law is much taller than his brother, who is the husband). However, statistics show that shorter woman have a slightly better chance of a relationship.


Statistically women are shorter than men. Naturally that means a tendency for couples to reflect this reality. Men, on the whole, have less of an issue with dating a taller woman, although taller women feel more attracted to taller men. Broad shoulders are equally as masculine as height. So is genuine confidence and attitude.


My husband is 6cm shorter than me.

Many short men have a complex about their height. Their subsequent need to compensate for this perceived 'floor' is what, ironically, ends up highlighting their insecurities. And this inevitably ends up repelling some women away and confirming their inadequacy.

My man is my man because he doesn't doubt that he is!


Yes. Of course they do. The only issue that may arise physically regarding men and looking at women is weight. Some men won't date an overweight woman, while most women never date short (or shorter) men. A bit of a double standard, but it is what it is.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

I have been unable to date so many women due to my height (5'2"). I have dated many women who were taller than me, but ultimately, they sought out tall men. I recall seeing an ABC news show on the subject. The women were filmed without knowing that their comments were being taped, and they openly laughed at the short guy, even though the program's staff made him out to practically be a god (i.e., a cardiologist that was top in the field for example).

I truly believe that short men tend to their ladies better, due to the prejudice that they face. I also believe that women have changed somewhat in the last 20 years, but I have to say, not by much. Give a short guy a chance, let him romance you and you may be surprised!


Women almost exclusively date tall men. Any guy under 6'1", the cutoff for a tall man in the US and UK, will come across women that will think he's too short. Especially if the women are 5'9" and above.

This question should really be "What women don't like tall men?"

On a personal note, I am 5'10 1/2" - 5'11" and veryoften come across women who would reject me for my height. Even if some are 5'8" and "would still like to wear heels and look up to view my man's eyes." I come across at least four to five tall women everyday.

Though it may suck to hear because the vast majority of single women are like this (a good 70-80% I'd estimate), if a woman rejects you solely for your height, you truly are better off without them. The hell with 'em!

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