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only if the blondes have big boobs and most blondes ar hot

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Q: Do men like blondes more then brunettes?
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Why do men like blondes more than brunettes?

There is no evidence to say that men prefer blondes more than brunettes. It is a matter of personal preference.

Which do men look at the quickest.brunettes or blondes?

brunettes. brunettes. brunettes.

Do men like brunettes better than blondes?

It is a matter of individual preferences.

Do men find redheads the sexiest women?

no men prefer blondes and brunettes

Who has more fertility blondes or brunettes?

Neither both have an equal chance at conceiving a child. when people say this, blondes tend to look younger, making them more fertile. But thats a stereotype. In fact, Men dont even prefer blondes over brunettes. and if they do and they pick someone because of there hair color, they are there fore, DOUCHES

Why has the trend changed from men liking blondes to now men liking brunettes?

Brunettes are more confident (they didn't follow the blonde fad), they are more honest (they are less likely to have bought the color from a shelf), and they are more down to earth (and easier to read, to predict, to understand) so simple if you think about it I have a theory that they think brunette looks like they're exotic and exotic women so they say are more subservient but blondes looks white (cause you'd have to be white to be blonde naturally) who are more demanding and in charge of their men and that's why guys like brunettes, but. It's only a theory.

Why does the movies keep making it look like men prefer blondes even though there are all these surveys that say they like brunettes now?

Movies portray men liking blonde girls because they put out easier.

Do Turkish men prefer blondes?

Preferences for hair color can vary among Turkish men just like in any other culture. Some may prefer blondes, while others may prefer brunettes or redheads. It ultimately depends on personal preference and individual taste.

Do teenage boys usually like blondes or brunettes and do they prefer curvy or skinny girls?

The answer to this is purely subjective since it will change from person to person. What men prefer in regards to a woman's physical appearance varies significantly from man to man. Some men love blondes, and some adore brunettes! Some are very attracted to skinny girls, while other guys love a woman with some curves!

Are brunettes hotter then blondes?

firstly brunettes are hard for boys and look more sexy and blonde's are easy and too girlie on the other side men like that.... once i was going to the shops and i saw these two Blondie girls and two men in the car and the men said come I'll give you a ride and they went so that's how easy they are some people say that Blondie's are crazy ..... some blonde's are but some ain't i prefer brunettes because i am a brunette .Blondie girls show off and boss people around firstly they think there princesses secondly they just think their pretty than everybody so i am on the brunettes side GO BRUNETTES GO BRUNETTES

Why are men more attracted to blondes?

Because men like crazy. There is a chemical in the brains of most blondes that seeps into their brain and makes makes them crazy but it also also turns their hair blonde.

Why do men want to marry brunettes?

There is an Idea going around that smart women are more capable of having a healthy pregnancy so they think that a girl who is smart or brunette might be a better choice for carrying on his genes and having a family. But the Idea that brunettes are smart is just a stereotype. You don't buy into it. Some men just like brunettes and some men like blonds. Not ALL men want to marry brunettes. It depends on the individual's preferences and upon the individual - not the haircolor.