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Yes It Depends How much you like her, like if you guys just meet it would be pretty nerves, But if you guys know each other for a long time you shouldn't get nerves.

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Q: Do men get nervous around women they like?
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Why do some men act different with the women they like?

They could be nervous or anxious..

Do men lie more than females?

Well....Yes. Men lie around women because they get more nervous.

Why do men walk around when talking to women?

They may walk around because they are nervous or they don't feel comfortable standing in front of that women. Probably cause their nervous or they are afraid to make it awkward. (Source: Personal Experience)

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Not all men are scared of women. Fear of women or any group is based on individual beliefs, experiences, and perceptions. It is important to recognize that generalizations can be harmful and that everyone should be treated as individuals.

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It is normal for both men and women to get nervous about becoming a parent for the first time.

How do you get over being nervous around women?

The more women you get to know, the more comfortable you will be. Try volunteering or other activities where you will meet women of all walks of life. Most of us like to talk with men and are not out to make them uncomfortable. Also, if you are nervous when you are with someone, if you can focus on making them more comfortable with the situation, you will relax since you are not focusing on yourself.

What kind of men makes women nervous?

Creepy, perverted ones

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Because most women will never tell the men that they are interested, they want the men to ask them out....honestly their just letting them know they want the men

Do men burp more than women?

Yes, you see men like burping and men fool around with burping like trying to say things while burping. Women try their best not to burp of course women can burp still.

Do some girls get nervous around guys they find attractive?

Some girls do, but it is usually the guy who gets nervous around girls

Are men's and women's brain's different?

yes! because men like women for there looks. and women like men for there acts.

Do women ever like to seduce men rather than the other way around?

Of course, women probably enjoy sex more than men do.