Yes, you see men like burping and men fool around with burping like trying to say things while burping. Women try their best not to burp of course women can burp still.
Their are more women than men :)
Men drink more than women but when they do drink men tend to prefer beer and women wine. So, yes, women drink more wine than men.
there is more women in Ohio than men
there are more women than men 😏
There are more women than men in America
There are more women than men in America
More men smoke than women and more women die of cancer from smoking. Society still frowns on women smoking more than men.
Men are quicker than women because men have more muscle.
why do men drink more water than women
why do men drink more water than women
Women are not more punctual than men. According to studies, men are actually more punctual than women. However, you will find both men, and women who find punctuality important, and those in both genders who do not.
Men have more vibrant vocal cords than women do. Though some women do snore more than men. Another reasoning for why men snore more than women is that men have deeper and heavier vocal cords, so they may be snoring just as much as women, but more deeply. I hope this answers your question.