Sexual behavior is different for everyone. You can't make a statement that all lesbians like a certain behavior or hate a certain behavior.
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Lesbians are like every other girls except they are attracted to females.
They are "lesbians" which mean they like/love girls. Lesbians often have male friends they are just not attracted to men sexually.
No that does not make you gay if u think lesbians are attracktive.I personaly like lesbians but i am not gay...
appsolutly not! nor are all lesbians feminists. it's like asking if you have to be boy to like the color blue! :)
Lesbians are people just like anyone else. They live just like a straight person would.
No, not in a sexual way of course. That's because lesbians like women, guys are not women.
I like lesbians, but then I like most everyone, straight as well as homosexual. If you show real respect to someone, they usually like you in return.
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It depends on the person, but most lesbians have many gay male friends.