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No, not in a sexual way of course. That's because lesbians like women, guys are not women.

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Q: Do lesbians like gay guys
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How many people are gay and lesbian in America?

About 25% of American women are lesbians But i don't know about the gay guys

I am straight and live with two lesbians. they both look like small boys. are they butch lesbians. the younger one keeps coming into my room and doing things to me and i like it. am i gay too?

No that does not make you gay if u think lesbians are attracktive.I personaly like lesbians but i am not gay...

Why gay men dislike lesbians?

Gay men do not dislike lesbians.

Why don't people like gay or lesbians?

because they are homophobic

Are most prostitutes lesbians?

yes there are lesbian prostitutes as well as gay jiglo's they are just as common as strait prostitutes.

Is it gay for a boy to like lesbians?

No, it is only gay for a boy to be sexually attracted to other boys.

Can lesbians fall in love with boys?

It depends on the person, but most lesbians have many gay male friends.

Do lesbians like women's vaginas?

yes.. that's way they are gay..

Your friend like guys is he gay?

If he likes guys, he is gay or at least bisexual.

Why do lesbians wear their hair short?

That's the same thing as asking why some kids dye their hair blonde. They like it like that. Not all gay women like their hair short; just like some guys like their hair long.

Why don't straight guys like gay guys?

Some do and some don't. Just like some gay guys like straight guys, and some don't. You can't generalize like this.

Why is his best friend a lesbian?

Because she is just one of the guys, but better looking. Most lesbians think like most guys, they are all about WOMEN. So a guy can relate to most lesbians.