i would say no because my friend used it and now she is ill.
Check out Jillian Michaels. She has a website where you can go and enter your weight loss goals. There's also different diet packs, supplements, protein shakes, weight loss videos, etc. It's a dollar a day online, you record your weight, your meal plan, etc. and she gives you motivation along the way.
Celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels offers free weight loss e-mails and news letter in Spanish form. Her website information is http://www.jillianmichaels.com/
You will never know, some things works better for some poeple,but you can't be sure that it will work for you, try it, and then you will now.
There are several good weight loss plans that would work well for people who want to go on a diet. You could try the new Jillian Michaels diet, and you could also try Atkins.
There are a lot of big names in weight loss. Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels have enjoyed the spotlight in recent years for their work on the TV show The Biggest Loser. Other names include Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons.
jillian michaels dot com is the site that has many weight loss programs and tips for losing wiehgt. she is a famous person and is well trusted by many who use her program to lose weight and is very helpful
There are effective supplements that will rapidly cause weight loss, however none are safe and without risk. Popular weight loss supplements include Stacker 2 and Xenadrin, however these should not be used without consulting your doctor.
Well that depends on if your doing it the legal way. You can buy all legal weight loss supplements online but the illegal supplements can not be bought online.
The difficulty of Jillian Michael's weight lossplans depends on each individual. While her system promises to transform lives. The program takes three separate approaches: diet, exercise, and recognizing your personal goals. One must commit to following the rules of each of these three areas, and with full commitment, great results can be achieved.
Yes, in the US you have to be eighteen year old in order to buy weight loss supplements. You will usually be asked for photo identification to prove your age.
Yes there are many dvd fitness routines to allow you to lose weight quickly. Carmen Elektra has many weight loss videos you can try such as striptease, hip hop dancing, and basic cardio. Jillian Michaels has many workout videos as well.