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I'm a guy and I do not have a preference to longer or shorter legs because I like them medium length. But if you need a preference I would say most guys like longer legs.

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Q: Do guys like longer or shorter legs for girls?
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If girls tell you that your legs are cute and guys make fun of them, the guys may be jealous of your cute legs.

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If guys make fun of your good looking legs they are probably jealous that the girls like them.

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How are height and speed related?

Theoretically if you are taller on average your legs will be longer on average and vice versa if you are shorter. Also but still theoretically if you move longer legs and shorter legs at the same time with the force to scale longer legs will travel more distance in less time than shorter legs. However this is not completely true if you account for the fitness of the person or the fact that the legs will not be moved with a to scale amount of force.

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because they are fat and skinny

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may be you have thin legs

Do guys prefer girls to have shaved legs?

Yes, usually most guys do though sometimes they do not

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because they get nevous

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Do girls like it when guys shave their legs?

Some do, most don't.