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Some do, most don't.

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Q: Do girls like it when guys shave their legs?
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Is it nice to have a hairy legs?

no, guys like to put there hands on your legs so, shave~!

Do girls like leg hair?

Girls dont like hair on there legs..some of them find that is really gross. Some girl dont even shave there legs because there parents dont let them or they are to gross to even shave there legs. The girl that love sport shave their legs because they are a lot of people there that will ask "do you shave your legs". But some girl do it so they have nice soft leg.

Do guys like when girls shave?

There's somthing wrong with the guy if he doesn't......

Do girls like guys with skenny legs?

Some do

Why do guys make fun of my legs and girls think i have good looking legs to be a guy?

If guys make fun of your good looking legs they are probably jealous that the girls like them.

What do you think of a boyfriend shaving his girlfriends legs?

I think that is fine. Guys like to do that for the girls like an act of foreplay or just to feel their girls legs. That's kinda weird I think. Probably because I'm only 11 so.... you know. LOL!

Do guys like girls that don't shave?

Depends on the guy because some of them will play with your legs and don't want to feel any hair and other guys want you to have hair to make them feel better about themselves. But all guys are different.

Why do guys like girls to wear pantyhose?

Guys like girls to wear pantyhose because they like looking at their legs. They also like girls to appear femine in pantyhose and skits. Women shave their legs and when they wear pantyhose it accentuates their legs. Guys prefer to be the ones to wear pants. They like girls to look different from them. If he is with a girl in a skirt and pantyhose he feels like he is with a feminine girl. She dresses different from him wearing soft, silky nylon...clothes that he does not wear. It makes her uniquely feminine to him and makes him feel masculine.

Why do guys legs shake when they look at girls they like?

because they get nevous

Do 13 year old guys like girls with long legs?

Most do

Do guys like longer or shorter legs for girls?

I'm a guy and I do not have a preference to longer or shorter legs because I like them medium length. But if you need a preference I would say most guys like longer legs.

Do 14 year old girls like guys who shave there balls?

A fourteen year old shouldn't even see a guys balls. So, the answer is no