No! It's a sign you are nervous! Be confident and yourself around the guy, but if this is a habit just practice at home not biting your lips.
yeah,it arouses us
Yes they do
they love it when you bite your lip around them
It means he will attempt to bite your lip .... I assume.
sometimes we bite our lips because we are nurvous about something or it becomes a bad habbit so if you see a boy biting there lip and there staring at you that could mean he likes you
It depends on the guy. Most do like girls with shiny, luscious lips, though.
well snake bite percings are two little holes on both bottom corners of your lip. Its called snake bite because it looks like a snake bite your lip. i hope that was good enough for you :).
well, sometimes your nervous so you will bite your lip. Sometimes something will hurt and you will bite. There's a lot of different reasons!
They feel like getting your ear pierced on your lip.
Looks like it was sliced open and reattached ?
Hm mm...Well it may happen if the guy gets really hypnotized (or something like that) in the kiss. I just might say that 2 out of 5 guys may bite the girl's bottom lip.I know because I have had five boyfriends and only two bit my lip. If you don't want to get your lip bitten, just don't throw yourself into the kiss so much. Don't worry it's natural.
Ask your partner. Some like it, some slap.