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Sometimes it depends on what the girl is into.

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11mo ago

Personal preferences vary among individuals. Some guys may find deep voices attractive in women, while others may prefer higher-pitched voices. It ultimately depends on their individual tastes and what they find appealing.

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Q: Do guys like girls with deep voices?
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Do girls like guys with high voices?

No, it stays about the same, but may deepen slightly as she gets older because of the changes in bone structure. Some women's voices get lower after age 40 or so, depending on the hormone changes in their bodies.

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A guy goes through puberty just like girls. Guys develop deeper voices, and pubic hair and some other things.

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Not necessarily. But many people (both girls and guys) simply enjoy the thrill of the chase and feel quite accomplished when they get the person who supposedly didn't care. But don't be fooled--girls like guys who do care. Deep down inside, most girls appreciate and are attracted to nice, thoughtful guys.

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Preference for deep voices can vary among individuals, but generally, some girls may find deep voices attractive in boys as they can perceive them as confident and masculine. However, it's important to remember that personal preferences and attraction go beyond just physical traits like voice pitch.

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Some girls are awesome, and like guys for who they are, some girls like guys cause they're hot, and some jerky girls like guys for their money and their cars.

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If a boys voice gets deeper when he goes through puburty then how come gay guys have such high pitched voices?

There voices are deep they just manipulate it to make it sound like that of the female genderResponse to question and answerThat above is bullshi+There is a lot of evidence that the reason people are gay is because they have more of the chemical pertained to the other sex. More estrogen in guys, and more testosterone in girls. Its just evidence, but there's a lot of it

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There are many guys in the world that are attracted to and like transgender girls.

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Yes, Black guys like girls feet.

What do guys say when they whisper in girls ear?

You tell her all the things that you love about her, of course! Romantic things like how her eyes remind you of deep pools of water, or her lips are like rose petals. Poetry is always good. Girls like it when guys share their feelings and thoughts with them.

Do girls like when guys sing?

They probably do, but sometimes they might make fun of you if her friends are there, but deep down she maybe loves you singing.