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Depends on the city or state most guys do and they usually have to do with ranking or scoring on a scale. I wudnt take it personally if you were called anything. Where I come from even the girls have codemames for the guys! It's all just good clean fun , not meant to hurt anyone!! :)

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Q: Do guys have code names for girls looks?
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Do guys give code names too girls according too there looks?

I don't know ask a guy P.S. I love JB so much

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How come girls give you mean looks and guys smile at you?

The girls are just jealous of you and the guys probably like you.

Do guys care about girls looks?

It depends on the guy, but generally girls who look "better" tend to get more attention from guys.

Why Girls care how the guys look?

unfortunately, some girls judge guys on their looks. But the good thing is that most girls can see past looks +, everyone likes different looks, like I like guys with brown hair and my friend likes red hair, my friend only likes guys with six packs whereas I dont really care. The thing is that if girls cant see past looks, they dont deserve you :)

Do guys rate girls based on appearance?

Guys Notice girls by looks first, but in the long run the personality matters incredibly

Do guys like the girls they just sleep with?

Depending on looks and how good it is.

Why do guys always go for the pretty girls?

Not all guys do. Many guys who go for pretty girls will only date them for their looks and not see their personality, that's why many pretty girls have problems finding someone who really loves them. Most guys however don't care much about looks when it comes to a serious relationship.

Why are girls so into their looks and how they dress?

That's just girls.. This is just like saying, "Why are guys so into football and girls?"

What junior high guys looks for in girls?

most of all mature girls not some girl who is childish

What girls find attractive in guys?

Well I find the "comedy dude" attractive the most. Some like "bad boys", "shy guys", "sporty guys", "romantic guys", "talented guys", "lazy guys", "smart guys", "sensitive guys", there is just a lot that girls like. So they like their personality. They like looks, style, and lots of things.

What do girls look for the bad in guys?

They look for bad personalities, style, looks, etc.